Saturday, April 3, 2010

Apple iPad review -- Engadget

Apple iPad review -- Engadget

var digg_url = &; The Apple iPad. The name is a killing word -- more than a product -- it&s a.

Apple iPad review from Jim Dalrymple at The Loop. The new Apple iPad is cheduled for release on Saturday, April 3.

Apple&s new touch-screen device has the potential to change portable computing profoundly. It could challenge the primacy of the laptop and eventually propel the multitouch user interface ahead of the mouse-driven interface.

Apple iPad review from Jim Dalrymple at The Loop. The new Apple iPad is cheduled for release on Saturday, April 3.

Apple&s new touch-screen device has the potential to change portable computing profoundly. It could challenge the primacy of the laptop and eventually propel the multitouch user interface ahead of the mouse-driven interface.

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